Welcome to the Coral Sea Hotels, Resorts, and Nile Cruises safety & sustainability!
We are proud that our hotels care about the environment, especially marine life. We believe in the protection, preservation, and enhancement of our whole environment, through sustainable management. We reduce, minimize, and manage the impact of our operations on the environment by being continuously committed to:
Setting sound environmental objectives and targets as well as managing the review process, measuring results, and recording achievements. This is done, at least, biannually.
Complying with all applicable environmental laws, legislation, and regulations to ensure that current legislation is enforced throughout the hotel.
Reducing our negative impact and conserve our natural resources by educating/training and communicating.
Minimising pollution, by reducing the use of chemicals and other hazardous substances.
Reducing water and energy consumption and also waste production.
Raising the environmental awareness of our employees, customers, suppliers, and the local community by making them aware of our Environmental Policies, and encouraging them to adopt the same.
Purchasing local products and services where possible, and feasible, in accordance with our “Environmental Purchasing Policy.”
Applying dos and don’ts, in accordance with the “Guidelines Best Travelife Practices.”
Continually seeking to achieve a clean, healthy, safe, and sustainable environment for our community, for tourism, future generations, and ourselves.
Quality, Food Safety & Environment – Integrated Management Systems Policy
The ultimate aim of Coral Sea Hotels, Resorts, and Nile Cruises management and team members is to fulfil all our guests’ needs and exceed their expectations. With the implementation of the well-established Integrated Management Systems (IMS) of Quality, Food Safety, and Environment, we are able to deliver high quality of standardized services while performing in a professional and hospitable manner.
The management of Coral Sea Hotels, Resorts and team members are committed to ensure consistency of top Food Safety, Service Quality, and Environmentally friendly standards through adopting innovative and updated workable techniques and methods developed by the International Standardization Organization of ISO 9001, ISO14001, & ISO 22000
The Integrated management system is the responsibility of management with the active support of all team members.
The Integrated management system provides a consistent approach to achieve the hotel’s objectives.
Coral Sea Hotels and Resorts are committed to apply the following in order to comply with the IMS
1. Achieving guests’ full satisfaction by anticipating their needs and exceeding their expectations.
2. Constantly introducing all, new and possible to utilize, technologies and services methods.
3. Ensure that all team members are updated and well trained on their duties and responsibilities.
4. Ensure continual improvement of the IMS.
5. Establish and periodically review the IMS objectives, targets, and activities to measure the system’s effectiveness.
6. To fulfill its compliance obligations, local regulation, laws and other applicable requirements without prejudice to the laws and regulations.
7. Proper communication of the importance of environment to all our guests, suppliers and concerned parties.
8. The protection of the environment including prevention of pollution and other specific commitments relevant to the context of the organization.
9. Review, document and develop policies.
10. Communicate the policies to team members, guests, suppliers, contractors, and the public.
11. Proper internal and external communication for issues related to FSMS to all concerned parties.
Ahmed A. El-Wassief
Chairman & CEO
“In the company’s efforts to communicate with the local community, we have clearly announced various ways to reach us by announcing our management address in the destination. Also, we have created a below email address at which local community members can communicate with the company top management”.